Our Residency

The Monterroso Gallery Residency Program is designed to provide artists with a long enough period to develop a cohesive body of work and a compelling concept for their solo show at the gallery. During their residency, artists not only focus on their creative practice but also become an integral part of our gallery team. They gain hands-on experience in all aspects of gallery operations, including curation, marketing, and managing our blog, giving them a behind-the-scenes understanding of what it takes to run a successful art space. Additionally, they observe and participate in the marketing efforts, equipping them with essential skills that every artist needs to succeed in the art world. We also connect our residents with key figures in the Houston art community, helping them build valuable relationships and gain insights that will support their artistic journeys long after the residency concludes. Furthermore, the program fosters an exchange of ideas by inviting Latin American artists to meet and talk with the residents, enriching the creative experience and broadening perspectives within our diverse art community. This comprehensive approach ensures that participants leave the program with well-rounded knowledge and a deep appreciation for every role within the art community.